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Smartbi and AaltoAI: Collaborating for the Future of Finland's AI

This spring, Smartbi and AaltoAI, a community of future AI experts from Aalto University, are joining forces. Learn about the future of AI by tuning into the Dataset by AaltoAI & Smartbi podcast, set for release in March 2024. We offer practical examples of AI's impact on our society and various industries, all while tapping into the knowledge of Finland's leading AI experts.

We live in an era where giant leaps forward are taken daily in the field of AI. Smartbi, with strong academic roots, is dedicated to supporting Finland's leading AI community, AaltoAI, by providing tangible support through financial aid, educational materials, and mentoring.

Smartbi has started collaborating with AaltoAI, an AI community emerging at Aalto University with over a thousand current and future top experts. With this partnership, Smatbi wants to promote AI collaboration by bringing together researchers, industry professionals, and other interested individuals.

In the spring of 2024, the joint effort will introduce the Dataset by AaltoAI & Smartbi podcast, which will provide insights into how AI is currently shaping our society and different industries at large. The podcast guests will share their insights and lessons on the practical implications of technology.

Smartbi looks forward to contributing to the ongoing conversation about business challenges and lessons learned, preparing the next generation of industry leaders for a future shaped by AI. Building the future of AI is a collaborative mission involving different parties working together.

The podcast's first episode will be released in March 2024 – Stay tuned by subscribing to Smartbi's newsletter!

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