Health care solutions
Using AI, we develop, enhance, and modernize health care – at home and in medical care.
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Experts of health care
One of the reasons for the spread of artificial intelligence applications in health care is to ease the resource shortage, especially in municipal health care. AI does not replace care professionals, but it can make the operation of health services considerably more efficient and thus lighten the workload of the personnel.
Our core competence lies in the application of AI, and we excel at solving problems related to data and analytics using modern technological solutions.
Technologies we use
Predictive applications
Predictive technologies can be used to:
- Help plan treatment paths
- Decrease queues
- Improve patient experience
- Streamline logistics
Computer vision
Computer vision can be used to:
- Improve patient safety
- Improve access to treatment
- Decrease human error
- Support surveillance
Natural language processing (NLP)
Natural language processing can be used to:
- Improve diagnosis
- Decrease administrative work
- Improve staff satisfaction
- Support medical reporting
Health care AI opportunities
Predictive patient care
Plan patient transfers, shorten treatment queues and forecast resource needs effectively.
→ Forecast hospital bed availability and occupancy
→ Predict patient care pathways and required personnel
→ Avoid long queues in ER by directing parents
Intelligent and safe hospitals
Decrease risk of danger and improve security and surveillance without jeopardizing privacy
→ Identify and automatically detect emergencies or situations that demand medical attention, such as patients that have fallen over
→ Identify medical personnal from video surveillance and alert personnel if unauthorized people are in the area
Automated data processing
Streamline administrative work, freeing time for patient care
→ Enhance assessment of treatment needs by identifying key symptoms or details from text
→ Create automatic consultation suggestions for the right specialists based on medical reports
Homecare support is one the areas of social and health care where AI has the most potential in the next few years. New solutions bring not only safety but also good living years to an aging population. They also free up caretakers' time for more important caretasks and customer encounters.
Case reference

Smartbi wins the Päijät-Sote AI design competition
At the end of 2021, Päijät-Sote launched a design competition as part of the KOHTI project, the aim of which was to utilize technology in services brought to the homes of elderly people. In April 2022, the artificial intelligence agency Smartbi was chosen as the winner of the design competition and the supplier of the solution in the food section.
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